KAZARTT is a fair price from January 1st, to December 31st. No margin for extravagant promotions, our price reflects the real value of the product. This means no Sales, no Black Fridays, no “anniversary promotions” or anything else.
What’s a fair price?
A price isn’t just a number on a label. A price expresses the value of a product and sums up the entire culture, choices and economic, social and environmental practices of the company that designs it.
KAZARTT belts are made in Spain from European raw materials. This considerably limits our carbon footprint. We produce fairly, respecting both the environment and people. Also, our belts are manufactured in small quantities in order to continue to limit our carbon impact.
Inevitably, all this has an impact on price. Conscious manufacturing means more expensive manufacturing. So your KAZARTT belt is bound to cost more than a belt from one of the fast-fashion brands, which produce indiscriminately and without regard for good environmental practices.
It’s our choice. At KAZARTT, we didn’t want any more of this fashion, which is totally disconnected from economic, human and ecological realities. That’s why we’ve decided to offer you a timeless product, at a fair price, and not to take part in sales or Black Fridays.
More expensive?
But in the end… what does more expensive mean? If we compare our belts with those made by fast-fashion players, who produce without counting the cost and without concern for good environmental practices, they are indeed more expensive. But think for a moment about the world you want to live in. Considering the cost of disproportionate pollution and a world under countdown, the safety standards of some foreign workshops not always respected, neglected wage policies, even child trafficking, … is it really “more expensive”?
By buying KAZARTT, you’re encouraging others to get involved in local production. You say s*** to the big brands that manufacture in other continents. You support fair and local trade.
A durable, timeless product
We don’t want you to buy a new belt every month. We want your KAZARTT belt to last.
Fashion used to offer summer and winter products. Two very different seasons, two collections a year. But today, the so-called “Fast Fashion Industry” offers 52 collections: new products every week. This means that quality isn’t important (you’ll replace your new garment very quickly) and it generates a lot of unsold merchandise, which will soon be sold off.
Against this trend, KAZARTT offers products that are not tied to the seasons. Belts that can be worn all year round, with shorts in summer or pants in winter. What’s more, our belts are designed to stand the test of time: a belt we hope will be appreciated and worn for many years to come.